Must be the sign on my head - it says 'Oh, love me dead.'
name. Loviatar Kheerin
age. 23
birthday / nameday Sixth sun of the fourth umbral moon (Aug. 6th)
astrological sign / guarding deity. Leo Sun, Libra Moon, Scorpio Rising; Nymeia
gender. Genderfluid/Non-binary
pronouns. They/Them/Any
sexuality. No Straights
height. 5'3"
weight. 98lbs
hair color. Silvery white
eye color. Kunzite
skin tone. Ghostly pallor
notable features. Possessed of unusually vivid, violet-tinged scales. Eternally wearing glasses, both for fashion and function. Impeccably dressed. Sharp teeth for an anemic-looking fop.
job occupation. Thaumaturge, Sage, Scholar and Manager of the Pressed Leaf
place of origin. Sharlayan
home. An apartment in the Mists, shared with their wife and their wife's girlfriend
affiliation. Sharlayan, The Pressed Leaf
family. Sinh Kheerin (father); Legion Kheerin (sister)
marital status. Eternally bound to Sanni Kheerin; eternally pursuing W'vhern Grimm

High-maintenance means you're a gluttonous queen, narcissistic and mean

and when her edges soften, her body is my coffin
personality. A perfectly charming, insufferably flippant creature , Lovi doesn't take much seriously. Ever one to flex their barbed wit with a backhanded compliment, the Sharlayan's appetite for knowledge is only surpassed by their fondness for fashion, pop culture, and flexing their intellect. This assumes, of course, that they haven't fallen into one of their fits of depressive ennui...

hook one. Formerly a Sharlayan student, Loviatar spent their entire life on the island of scholars - up until now. They're infamous for finding obscure research and written accounts from Archons that directly contradicted their professors, and often created trouble with their ostentatious, confrontational behavior. hook two. As the manager of The Pressed Leaf, Lovi can often be found skulking around the premises. hook three. Their aether's concealed by some manner of magick that drives the onlooker's gaze away. Strange.
you're hideous, and sexy!

Hello and thanks for having a look at my awful little goth! Lovi's a bit of an asshole, but I'd like to think I'm a reasonable marshmallow person. Communication is key, so please inform me if we're dancing close to sensitive or off-topic subjects.I'm well over 21, prefer that my RP buddies are as well, and if it wasn't glaringly obvious, both I and all my characters are on the LGBTQIA+ spectrum. If you're into that, let's tell some silly little stories with our silly little dollies.